December 18, 2017 has come and gone and the ELD Mandate is now in effect. So most trucks are compliant – right? Think again. A couple of weeks ago, I found myself speechless when I spoke with a local official I know who informed me that, out of the 14 […]
Victoria Kresge
The ELD mandate is now in effect, so what can fleet owners and managers expect to see when it comes to their fleet’s and their drivers’ performance? It has arrived! Whether we like it or not, the ELD mandate is now a fact of life. Many fleets have been using […]
Depending on where your business is located, Mother Nature can have a profound effect on your operations. When disaster strikes, recovery depends upon planning ahead. In a little over a month, the U.S. and its territories have faced three highly destructive hurricanes. The path of destruction and disruption that we’ve […]
Last week, I posted the first part of this blog, dealing with the ways new technology is impacting the trucking industry. As I said then, how you manage that disruption can make the difference between moving forward and falling behind. The first two trends are (1) advances in telematics and […]
Every industry is experiencing a certain amount of disruption from emerging or advancing technology. The way you manage that disruption can make the difference between moving forward and falling far behind. Change is a fact of life and that’s never been more apparent than over the last few decades, where […]
New advances in truck technology are definitely designed to make the roads safer for all drivers, but companies still need to worry about cost. A July article on discussed the benefits of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) systems as well as the barriers to implementing them which were discussed […]
I thought Amazon’s drone delivery service would be the most amazing approach to last mile delivery that couldn’t be topped. Obviously, I was mistaken. There’s no arguing the fact that we’ve all become used to an e-commerce “on-demand” world, where consumers want what they want when they want it…and they […]
If all or part of your fleet is leased or on short-term rental, what are your responsibilities when it comes to ELD compliance? December 18, 2017, will get here all too soon and unless your drivers fall under the few allowable exemptions (drivers of vehicles manufactured before model year 2000; […]