In so many ways, 2019 has been a memorable and successful year for NationaLease. But as our customers and our members know, we’re always looking to the future for greater success for all. Every year offers an opportunity to look back and assess the challenges, opportunities, and successes throughout that […]
75th Anniversary
I knew I was pushing my luck a little, but I thought October would still be a good month to go to Calgary. Temperatures in Chicago were unseasonably warm, which lulled me into a false sense of security. So you can imagine my surprise when I got an email from […]
For my September road trip, I ventured north to Ontario. Home to Canada’s largest city (Toronto) and capital city (Ottawa), Ontario constitutes over 38% of Canada’s population. I wasn’t there to visit either Toronto or Ottawa on this trip, but a few of Toronto’s surrounding communities instead. I landed at […]
Summer in the Adirondacks conjures up visions of extravagant pre-Depression “camps” owned by icons of American society like the Vanderbilts, replete with boathouses, horseback rides, and formal dances. In the 50s and 60s, the resorts of the Catskills were a summer vacation hot spot, as portrayed in the movie “Dirty […]
On my June trip to New Jersey, I found the meaning of life. That probably requires some clarification. Let me explain… I left Chicago early in the morning, landed in Newark, got a rental car, and drove to South Brunswick. My first stop was A & D Truck Leasing, a […]
In May, I decided to head north, hoping that spring had finally arrived in North Dakota. I landed in Fargo quite late at night, and drove directly to the hotel – in the dark, so I wasn’t able to see much. But the next morning was bright and clear as […]
Maybe I was being foolish, but I preferred to think I was being optimistic as I began the drive toward Grand Rapids in March. Despite the fact that virtually every other time I had driven that route I had encountered white-out conditions and multiple-car pileups along I-94, I chose to […]
With the local weather teams predicting the coldest day in recorded history in Chicago, it seemed like a great time to go to Charlotte. Sleet and snow were falling as I slowly made my way to the airport for an early morning flight. I checked my phone repeatedly for alerts that my […]