The FMCSA proposes two new rules that prove you don’t have to trade off safety in order to help mitigate the driver shortage. I don’t remember how many blogs I’ve written about the truck driver and technician shortage, but it’s been a lot. When it comes to the drivers, we […]
As a fleet owner, you try your best to please your customers, but is there a better way to satisfy their needs while saving money on your part? If you Google “dynamic routing,” the first entry that shows up refers to network routers but read this definition: “Dynamic routing is […]
I thought Amazon’s drone delivery service would be the most amazing approach to last mile delivery that couldn’t be topped. Obviously, I was mistaken. There’s no arguing the fact that we’ve all become used to an e-commerce “on-demand” world, where consumers want what they want when they want it…and they […]
The HOS mandate is supposed to help reduce the problem of fatigued driving but although the FMCSA can mandate the hours one can drive, they can’t mandate drivers to not feel tired. There’s no question that driver fatigue is a major issue of concern, not just for the trucking industry […]
Wearable technology, like the Fitbit and iWatch, let wearers monitor their health, but technology can’t make people change their behavior. From self-driving cars and trucks to watches that monitor a wearer’s heartrate to phones that alarm your house and car while you’re away, we’re experiencing technology in every aspect of […]
If millennials are the answer to the growing driver shortage, this recent report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety sends up some warning flares. What do you do when you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place? That’s where the trucking industry might find itself…if it can’t convince […]