From diesel to alternative fuels to hybrid to electric, the trucking industry is constantly searching for ways to optimize their fleets while still satisfying business needs. In reality, electric vehicles have been around since the late 1800’s, including cars developed by Ferdinand Porsche, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford, but as […]
Industry News
There are few things that everyone in an industry agrees upon; however, it would be hard to find people in our industry who don’t consider fixing the U.S. infrastructure as high up on the wish list of things that need to be accomplished. That’s why I look at the American […]
I doubt very many of us are unhappy to see 2020 in the rear-view mirror, but what does 2021 hold for the industry? If there’s anything positive that can be said for the past year, it is how it has illustrated the vital role trucking plays in people’s lives. COVID […]
When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, few of us would have predicted how long…and how deep…this crisis would go. Without a clear end in sight, companies have to take stock of every aspect of their organization and assess whether or not they are ready for the challenges that may ensue. […]
We are facing so many crises right now; this is a time when good, believable, and relevant communication within the workplace has rarely been more essential. In a recent IdeaXchange blog I suggested that leaders who have good communication with their employees and their customers will rise above those who […]
We live in a digital age ordinarily, but when so many workers (and that includes executives) are sheltering in place, digital becomes an effective and necessary way to communicate. In the beginning of March, I posted a FleetOwner IdeaXchange blog on how companies should optimize their social media presence. That […]
Hopefully, we are all doing our part to help during the COVID-19 crisis. For most of us, that means staying at home and social distancing, but some people and some industries are doing so much more. This statement really became clear to me last week when one of our NationaLease […]
Exactly one month ago, I posted a blog on this site regarding the disruptive potential of the coronavirus. I had no idea how quickly those concerns would come to pass. When I first posted the blog, “The Bug that Is Impacting Trucking” one month ago, the number of those infected […]
The hacking that the industry is concerned with right now is not the kind that hacks into your network, but the kind that results in hacking coughs. Instead of a cyber virus, we have a real virus to contend with. It sometimes seems as though there is always something waiting […]