There is light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. But some trends have emerged that will affect businesses for the long haul. There have been a number of announcements over the past week that are positive, but there are warning signs within that news. On a positive note, vaccinations […]
With so many people out of work due to the pandemic, it may feel like an employer’s market when it comes to hiring. My advice: don’t get complacent. There is no question that COVID-19 has impacted the way companies look at their recruitment and retention efforts. Unemployment rates are still […]
You’re sitting in your home office, or in the cab of the truck…how can collaboration possibly be fostered in these environments? A few weeks ago, I posted a blog on the FleetOwner IdeaXchange discussing how important it is to make collaboration part of your overall operational strategy. This is always […]
Ensuring the “health” of the assets in your fleet is the best way to keep your vehicles moving…on the road and at the job site. These are trying times for everyone, both personally and professionally, specifically when it comes to health. Companies need to ensure the health of their business […]
I doubt very many of us are unhappy to see 2020 in the rear-view mirror, but what does 2021 hold for the industry? If there’s anything positive that can be said for the past year, it is how it has illustrated the vital role trucking plays in people’s lives. COVID […]
The more things change, the more they stay the same, which unfortunately is not good news for the trucking industry when it comes to talent. But there are things your company can do to mitigate the risks. Last week, an article in FleetOwner discussed how COVID-19 has exacerbated the longstanding […]
The challenges of a global economy were creating pressure on many businesses long before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. Eventually the pandemic will come under control: however, the competitive challenges created in a global economy will remain an issue that businesses have to face for the long term. This translates to […]
Bad actors are constantly trying to attack companies by hacking into their systems. The increase in remote working has increased those attempts. I recently wrote an IdeaXchange blog on why cybersecurity needed to be a year-round priority for businesses of all kinds and all sizes. The advent of the COVID-19 […]
We may not yet be in the throes of winter weather, but with all of the disruption caused by the pandemic, it is definitely not too early to winterize your fleet. As the virus spikes and the fear of further lockdowns or restrictions continue, it is absolutely vital that trucking […]