Although it may seem as though you are holding all the cards when it comes to recruiting new workers, the pendulum will swing back to an employee’s market from an employer’s market. Are you ready? There is no question that COVID-19 has impacted the way companies look at their recruitment […]
When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, few of us would have predicted how long…and how deep…this crisis would go. Without a clear end in sight, companies have to take stock of every aspect of their organization and assess whether or not they are ready for the challenges that may ensue. […]
There is no better time for cybercriminals and fraudsters to attack businesses than during a crisis. But there are things that companies can do to mitigate the risk. A few weeks ago, I posted an IdeaXchange blog discussing the ways AI (artificial intelligence) could help businesses. In that blog, I […]
The trucking industry was riding high: trucks were operating at capacity; new technology and new trucks were being added to the vehicle count; and it looked as though the economic boom would continue unabated. Then the global economy ran into the “Black Swan” disruption of COVID-19. Every successful business has […]
Until early this year, it was a job-seeker’s market; companies would be competing for talent and job openings were plentiful. Then COVID-19 happened. I recently wrote an IdeaXchange blog that addresses how enterprises should strive for diversity in the workplace. Developing a diverse and inclusive staff is something that most […]
It’s been a while since I’ve written this blog, primarily because I haven’t been on the road. In fact, I haven’t been much of anywhere except my dining room table in the last 3 months. Like so many others, we moved our operations from our office in Downers Grove to […]
There are many ways to measure a good leader’s influence and actions; perhaps no better time to do so is during a crisis. Back in May, I wrote an IdeaXchange blog on how bottlenecks in business usually occur at the top and how good leaders can break that bottleneck. That […]
There are those who see the challenges created by a crisis and grow to meet those challenges. The same is true for businesses. My recent IdeaXchange blog, printed in full below, asks some tough questions. What will your answers be? “I honestly cannot think of one thing that was not […]
COVID-19 has changed the way companies are recruiting; but this change is not going to be temporary. Is your HR team ready for these changes? I recently wrote an IdeaXchange blog discussing how COVID-19 has resulted in changes to the recruiting process that will likely continue even after the crisis […]