Businesses spent a long time figuring out the benefits of maintaining lean, just-in-time inventory. Then the pandemic happened, and organizations suddenly needed to reassess their supply chain strategy. To grasp how greatly things have changed in just one year, I’d like to cite an article from FleetOwner that was published […]
Some say slowdown; others say recession; still others say COVID-delayed growth will continue for the next few years. In any case, do you have the right fleet for whatever may come? The economic upswing that has benefitted most businesses is now looking more like a roller-coaster ride, most evident with […]
With the International Roadcheck for 2021 just a few days away, make sure you’ve done your due diligence with respect to every vehicle in your fleet. We know it’s coming every year, and yet we never seem to be fully prepared for it. Of course, I’m talking about the Commercial Vehicle Safety […]
The need for a robust logistics capability has grown over the past two decades, but this last year, with the pandemic raging, has really put into focus the essential need for this technology. For many, 3PLs are the answer. Back in 2019, I posted a blog discussing how e-commerce was […]
There is an inherent but necessary burden in ensuring your product is transported to its destination in a timely and safe manner. Here is a way to relieve that burden while still achieving your ultimate goals. The more you can focus on your core business, the more strategic you can […]
There are few things that everyone in an industry agrees upon; however, it would be hard to find people in our industry who don’t consider fixing the U.S. infrastructure as high up on the wish list of things that need to be accomplished. That’s why I look at the American […]
It’s often said that “necessity is the mother of invention.” COVID made it necessary to find different ways to do business…and some of those “inventions” may be around for a while. Earlier this year, I posted an IdeaXchange blog discussing trends in hiring focused on issues like generations and diversity. […]
The supplier-customer relationship is the most important relationship a business has, whether that business is B2C or B2B. What are you doing to make it the best it can be? When it comes to servicing customers, obviously the most important factor is making sure you deliver the product or service […]
We had posted these 11 tips before the extreme weather hit. After the past week, these tips are more important than ever. Unless you’ve gone completely off the grid for the past week, you’ve probably seen the horrifying images of mass catastrophe pileups caused by ice and snow, including a […]