Electric trucks, autonomous trucks, ELDs, logistics connectivity … the trucking industry is experiencing technological innovation and disruption at an incredible rate. How we adapt to this brave new world matters. My last few IdeaXchange blogs deal with trends, challenges and opportunities that the trucking industry faces. The challenges include government […]
Disruptive Technology Trends
3 posts
Some may think that the two words in the title are interchangeable; I guarantee you they are not. Earlier this month, I posted an IdeaXchange blog, “It’s never too soon to transform your business.” In my blog, I discussed a presentation by author and futurist, Daniel Burrus, which covered the […]
Last week, I posted the first part of this blog, dealing with the ways new technology is impacting the trucking industry. As I said then, how you manage that disruption can make the difference between moving forward and falling behind. The first two trends are (1) advances in telematics and […]