Safety matters and the numbers indicate there’s still much to do. In July, I posted an IdeaXchange blog talking about safety technology in trucks, including lane departure warning and collision avoidance/mitigation systems. The main barrier that keeps fleets from installing these systems is often cost; however, the cost of not […]
The truck driver shortage issue doesn’t seem to get better, and driver health problems just make it worse. Here’s a sobering statistic: A 2015 study from the CDC found that absenteeism cost employers just under $226 billion annually in productivity. With an aging workforce, that number is expected to only […]
There have been a number of advances in truck technology that will generate greater safety on the road. So why aren’t they all being utilized? A guiding principle for our industry is, “safety first, last and in-between” when it comes to our vehicles and our workplaces. But numbers are numbers […]
We constantly hear how autonomous vehicles will reduce the amount of accidents on the road. For the most part, that may be true, especially if all vehicles on the road are autonomous. Problem is…they’re not. Machines seem to be replacing those of us who are living, breathing, sentient beings in […]