Attracting the best and the brightest has rarely been as challenging as it is now. Presenting the right vision is vital to your organization’s success. It’s a “seller’s” market when it comes to finding qualified talent … sellers being those looking for employment. Low unemployment has resulted in significant competition […]
Each generation has its own set of priorities and employers have to be sensitive to that fact when looking at recruiting and retaining talent. Earlier this month, I posted an IdeaXchange blog discussing the value of a good benefits package as a recruiting and retention tool. That blog cited James […]
If millennials are the answer to the growing driver shortage, this recent report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety sends up some warning flares. What do you do when you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place? That’s where the trucking industry might find itself…if it can’t convince […]
According to the Census Bureau, Millennials are now the largest living group. Is your business ready for the coming changes? No matter what business you’re in, you are going to be looking to millennials to fill your workforce needs any buy your products and services now and into the future. […]