The technician shortage isn’t going away; however, there are steps you can take that may help you in your recruitment efforts. As you may have noticed, I’ve been posting a number of blogs recently on the need for successful technician recruitment efforts. That’s because we continue to face a daunting […]
When a good, qualified employee leaves a company, the cost to that company is significant. Finding ways to keep those valued workers is essential. Lately, I’ve written a number of blogs both here on the NationaLease site as well as on FleetOwner’s IdeaXchange blogsite, regarding the problem of recruiting qualified […]
The world may feel completely different than it did two decades ago, but a lot still remains the same. Last month, I wrote an IdeaXchange blog, “Of heroes and leaders,” pointing out the attributes of heroes. The original blog cited motivational speaker, Kevin Brown, who noted that a hero is […]
In a time of full employment, retaining good employees is essential. Recognizing the signs that someone may be looking for the door is vital. With unemployment at its lowest level in decades, the competition for qualified talent has never been more intense, making it more important than ever to retain […]
We live in a world that seems to reject failure, yet failing is often the precursor of success. In a recent IdeaXchange blog, “Moving your company beyond the ordinary,” I wrote about how, in today’s increasingly competitive business environment, success very much depends on differentiating yourself from the rest; to […]
The focus on the technician shortage is usually about the skillsets needed to work with today’s technology, but that doesn’t mean techs don’t have to know how to maintain yesterday’s trucks. Just last week, I posted a blog, “New Technology Means New Challenges for Technicians,” which addressed the new skillsets […]
Is there a technician shortage or a qualified technician shortage? Today’s truck technology makes this question more pointed than ever. In the last two weeks, two articles in two trade publications address different parts of the issue as to how technology is impacting the ever-present technician shortage. One of the […]
Everyone has to deal with some form of stress, but financial stress not only impacts an employee, it also affects the company that employee works for. Here’s a fact that just came out a few weeks ago: A record 7 million Americans are 3 months behind on their car payments. […]