There are those who see the challenges created by a crisis and grow to meet those challenges. The same is true for businesses. My recent IdeaXchange blog, printed in full below, asks some tough questions. What will your answers be? “I honestly cannot think of one thing that was not […]
We live in a digital age ordinarily, but when so many workers (and that includes executives) are sheltering in place, digital becomes an effective and necessary way to communicate. In the beginning of March, I posted a FleetOwner IdeaXchange blog on how companies should optimize their social media presence. That […]
In January, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, there were 7.6 million job openings and only 6.5 million actually looking for work. That situation is unsustainable. Last week, a FleetOwner article covered the growth of robots in the workplace…how they are taking over jobs once only performed by people, […]
Logistics now plays an even more integral role in actually satisfying customer demand. Businesses that minimize the importance of logistics do so at their peril. The world of buyers and sellers is constantly transforming itself. According to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), there was a 3,000 percent increase in […]
B2B commerce often follows the successes of B2C commerce when it comes to technology, but there are differences that must be considered. I posted an IdeaXchange blog last month about the B2B digital transformation that is now underway. In that blog, I cite Michael Treacy, author of Double Digit Growth, […]
In a time of full employment, retaining good employees is essential. Recognizing the signs that someone may be looking for the door is vital. With unemployment at its lowest level in decades, the competition for qualified talent has never been more intense, making it more important than ever to retain […]
We live in a world that seems to reject failure, yet failing is often the precursor of success. In a recent IdeaXchange blog, “Moving your company beyond the ordinary,” I wrote about how, in today’s increasingly competitive business environment, success very much depends on differentiating yourself from the rest; to […]
Some may think that the two words in the title are interchangeable; I guarantee you they are not. Earlier this month, I posted an IdeaXchange blog, “It’s never too soon to transform your business.” In my blog, I discussed a presentation by author and futurist, Daniel Burrus, which covered the […]
The truck driver shortage issue doesn’t seem to get better, and driver health problems just make it worse. Here’s a sobering statistic: A 2015 study from the CDC found that absenteeism cost employers just under $226 billion annually in productivity. With an aging workforce, that number is expected to only […]