It’s a daily alert for the industry…the ongoing and growing shortage of drivers and technicians. But companies and fleet managers know that those are far from the only positions they need to fill. One of the most impactful and important positions for any fleet is the fleet manager. Yet, as […]
Fleet Safety
I recently wrote an IdeaXchange blog on how preventive maintenance (PM) helps control the TCO of a fleet’s vehicles, especially during a time where supply chains are still strained, new trucks are not available, and diesel prices continue to be volatile. Unscheduled and unexpected downtime can negatively affect that TCO […]
Safety is always top of mind for the trucking industry. That’s why there’s been so much interest in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and why the Federal government is encouraging fleets to voluntarily adopt this technology. This encouragement falls in line with recent safety recommendations from the NTSB which doesn’t […]
When COVID-19 first hit and for quite a while after, the roads and highways became emptier than they had been in years. People were working remotely from home (no commute), stores and restaurants were either closed down or only doing curbside pickup or takeout delivery. Logically, this should have led […]
The calendar may say November, but for a lot of the country, it’s still mild weather. Don’t get complacent. Winterize your fleet before winter weather strikes. Over the past couple of years, it seems as though when one crisis subsides, another rises up. COVID-19, hopefully, is on the wane but […]
There are few things that everyone in an industry agrees upon; however, it would be hard to find people in our industry who don’t consider fixing the U.S. infrastructure as high up on the wish list of things that need to be accomplished. That’s why I look at the American […]
We had posted these 11 tips before the extreme weather hit. After the past week, these tips are more important than ever. Unless you’ve gone completely off the grid for the past week, you’ve probably seen the horrifying images of mass catastrophe pileups caused by ice and snow, including a […]